Monday, January 7, 2008

Beach Body Marketing Idea

Well, I've decided to go on a fitness plan that I've been checking out for some time now. I did some research and it looks to be the best out there for what I am looking to do. So for the next three months, I will subject myself to this program in hopes of getting in better shape, especially since my wedding is coming around.

On top of the helath benefits, I am going to take on a project in relation to the fitness program. I took the idea from a clip on YouTube and I plan to use the same concept for my idea. Maybe, just maybe, I can give this clip that I make to Beach Body Fitness and they might like it enough to give me a little money for my hard work. We'll see though. I have to get through the program first and foremost to even make the idea work.

Once it is complete, I will post the complete video here for all to enjoy.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned.



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