Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cell Phone Remote

Well, it's bound to happen so I might as well say it first.

Industry says that eventually they want to make the cell phone the personal portable computer for the consumers. And with the introduction of the IPhone and similar products, we're just one step closer. Not only are phones getting more advanced but so are other electronic gadgets. Televisions are getting upgrades, some being fitted with WiFi and Bluetooth.

So, with this mentioned, it's entirely possible for a phone, such as the IPhone, to have a software upgrade to allow it to pick up devices such as the TV. The cell phone (with the touch screen capability) would then configure itself to the TV and the screen would display all the common buttons on a remote to be able to use the TV.

I believe it would be a good step in the right direction. However, as with all ideas, there are problems. Most notably, pranksters would roam around areas with public TV sets switching the channels. But then again, pranksters always find a way to pull something.

Anyway, just a small idea I had. If you want, comment on the idea, whether it be good or bad. Hell, maybe even suggest it to Apple as a new function for the IPhone.

Thanks again for reading.



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